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Sauna Rituals - personal sacred space

For many, sauna use is more than just a way to relax and de-stress.

It can also be a profoundly spiritual and meaningful experience, with people using saunas to connect with their inner selves and a higher power.

In this blog post, we'll explore the spiritual aspect of sauna use, including the use of smudges and personal rituals, and the history of social use of the sauna.

One way that people incorporate spirituality into their sauna use is through the use of smudges. Smudging is a practice that involves burning herbs, such as sage, cedar, or sweetgrass, to cleanse and purify a space. Many people use smudges in their sauna practice to create a sacred and welcoming space and connect with the natural world.

Another way that people incorporate spirituality into their sauna use is through the creation of personal rituals. This can involve setting an intention for your sauna session, lighting candles or incense, or bringing in other elements that hold personal meaning for you. Some people even create altar spaces in their saunas, using crystals or other sacred objects to develop a sense of connection and reverence.

The history of sauna use is also intertwined with spiritual and social practices. In many cultures, saunas have long been seen as sacred places where people come to purify their bodies and minds. Saunas have traditionally been social spaces, with people gathering together to share stories, bond, and connect.

Overall, the spiritual aspect of the sauna can be a powerful and meaningful way to connect with ourselves and others. Whether using smudges or creating personal rituals, the sauna can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and connection. So why not incorporate some of these practices into your sauna routine and see what happens?

Sauna Scents and Brews

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